Sunshine Group logo white 2023

We’re proud to work with the NHS and signpost our members to leading charities that can provide invaluable support.   

Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 

We host our regular group meetings at Aintree University Hospital, part of the Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Charitable Fund.   

Ann and the group work closely with the Marina Dalglish Breast Unit at Aintree University Hospital, the Linda McCartney Centre at The Royal Liverpool University Hospital, and the Macmillan breast cancer nurses to ensure patients receive support whether this be from the Sunshine Group or specialist healthcare professionals.   

Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Alliance 

Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Alliance brings together organisations, patients and others affected by cancer to drive improvements in clinical outcomes and patients’ experience of the care and treatment they receive. We work closely with cancer services and people affected by cancer to achieve: 

Better Cancer Services, by providing access to expertise and learning; leading change in care pathways, and in piloting new scientific innovations. 

Better Cancer Care, by sharing and building on good patient experience practice. 

Better Cancer Outcomes, by increasing early detection, early diagnosis, enabling early access to cancer services and pathways, and ensuring cancer patients have access to the support they need to live long fulfilling lives beyond cancer. 

Ann is a proud board member of the Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Alliance, and was delighted when asked to join.